Sections 1 and 2:
I collected the DuPont Challenge progress reports. Those who did not have it today will receive a score of two grades lower because it was not on time. We spent the whole period listening to progress reports. We will need two more periods I am sure! After each presentation, I asked questions or gave suggestions. I want the whole class to hear my suggestions because I am sure there are many others who have the same problems or concerns. I also want the whole class to hear the topics each student is working on. I love hearing about scientific discoveries. When I hear something I have never heard or, I ask lots of questions. Those questions help the students figure out what else they need to research. For homework, the students should be continuing to research for their essays.
Sections 3,6, and 7:
We did a daily drill. Then I handed out a sheet that explains the poem project. (I made a web page that explains it.) Then I led the classes through various exercises to help focus their poem writing. The better students will be working on this outside of class.