Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20, 2008

Real quick today-

Sections 1 and 2 should continue to research for their DuPont Challenge essays.
Sections 3,6, and 7 should be working on their poems.  It would be good if they came in with something tomorrow so we can make it sound like a poem.  I will show them a few more things to help them write their poems tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 19, 2008

Sections 1 and 2:
I collected the DuPont Challenge progress reports.  Those who did not have it today will receive a score of two grades lower because it was not on time.  We spent the whole period listening to progress reports. We will need two more periods I am sure!  After each presentation, I asked questions or gave suggestions.  I want the whole class to hear my suggestions because I am sure there are many others who have the same problems or concerns.  I also want the whole class to hear the topics each student is working on.  I love hearing about scientific discoveries.  When I hear something I have never heard or, I ask lots of questions.  Those questions help the students figure out what else they need to research.  For homework, the students should be continuing to research for their essays.

Sections 3,6, and 7:
We did a daily drill.  Then I handed out a sheet that explains the poem project.  (I made a web page that explains it.)  Then I led the classes through various exercises to help focus their poem writing.  The better students will be working on this outside of class.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 18, 2008

Sections 1 and 2:
Today we read examples of what the presentations should look like.  If you go to the DuPont Challenge section of, you will see the handouts we used today.  The students were taught exactly what they need to have in their presentation.  They were also told to have two copies because I would like to collect them that day.  I might read them if I have time.  I will have already have listened to them anyway.  I might use them in the future.

Sections 3,6, and 7:
We did a daily drill.  Then we continued to read and discuss an example of the poem I would like them to write.  I am calling the poem, "Thanksgiving in Six Pictures."  The subject of the poem is Thanksgiving.  The poem will be a series of six very descriptive sections that use imagery to give a feeling of Thanksgiving.  It will be between 75 and 100 words and have a line that repeats but changes throughout the poem.  It should resemble the same poem I linked to above.  If I have time, I will make a web page for the assignment.  The homework this week would be to work on this poem and possibly a second poem if we have time.

Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17, 2008

Sections 1 and 2 have a sheet due Tuesday and a presentation Wednesday.  I have a lot to do, so I don't have time to explain.  The students know what they are responsible for.

Sections 3,6, and 7 do not have vocab this week.  Each day in class, we will be doing a daily drill.  These will be on a slip of paper.  At the end of the week, we will organize all five, and I will give them a grade.  If they are absent, they should get the make up sheet.  I do not have time to scan these in an make a web page. They are available in class.

To all parents, I will try my best to have stuff on-line, but I want to dedicate my time to getting grading done this week.  I will try to keep you updated.

Friday, November 14, 2008

November 14, 2008

Sections 1 and 2
Today we spent time watching a show called Wired Science, by the magazine Wired.  We discussed cross-referencing facts in stories to check the validity of statements made on web pages.  I also used one segment to show the students a great example of what their DuPont Challenge essay should sound like.  I gave them a paper that requires them to think about different aspects of their topics. 

They do have homework.  By Tuesday, they should have written answers to the questions on the sheet on their topic.  And on Wednesday, they will present their topics to the class.  I will explain those requirements on Tuesday.  In short, they need to find an appropriate topic to write on soon.

Sections 3, 6, and 7
The students do not have homework.  They took a quiz on Unit 4 today.  Each class did something different, but I am winding down the speeches.  Next week we will get back into daily drills, vocab, and start a grammar unit on sentences so they can begin to improve their sentence structure in their essays.

Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12, 2008

I have been so busy lately.  Basically, section 3 has been doing all their vocab in class, so they have no vocab homework.  Sections 6 and 7 have to finish unit 4 in the book for Thursday, with flashcards due Friday and a quiz on Friday, too.  Sections 1 and 2 have been starting the DuPont Challenge.  There is a web page on  There are no firm due dates for that assignment yet.  They do not have vocab this week. They should be searching for a topic to write on.

I have grades ready to be inputed.  I will get to that ASAP.

Friday, November 07, 2008

November 7, 2008

I have to get out of here, so I will make this fast.

Sections 1 and 2 took quiz 5 today, and I introduced them to the next writing topic, the DuPont Challenge.  We reviewed the topic and read part of the winning essay from 2007.  I will put a web page up on next week which will explain everything.  If you want to know more about it now, just do a Google search, and you will find it easily.

Sections 3,6, and 7 finished up the first three vocab assignments for unit 4.  Then we continued on with the presentations.  That's about it.

It is a new marking period, and I do have some grades I need to put in the book.  I should have a grade update by Nov. 12.  The year is rolling right along!

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

November 6, 2008

Study for unit 5 quiz on Friday
Finish one side of the cartoon sheet I gave for vocab review

Choosing the Right Word unit 4 with context clues

3: None

Checked vocab bookwork was done and reviewed answers.
Handed back the plays so they could read my chicken-scratch comments.

Daily Drill focusing on vocab review
Reviewed vocab homework
Scored 2 speech competitions

Daily Drill
Did Choosing the Right Word in Class and handed in.
Listened to two speeches.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

November 5, 2008

Completing the Sentence Unit 5

Synonyms Unit 5

None (some need to finish their essays)

We reviewed words from unit 5 vocab,
We watched the rest of the videos.
We chose winners.  You can see the names of the winners here.

Daily Drill- vocab review for units 1-3.
Sections 6 and 7 did a neat activity!  I wanted them to practice getting up in front of the class, so I assigned them a vocab worb.  They were to read the word and definition with lots of emphasis as if they were reading their inspirational speech.  To make it interesting, I paired them up.  Two of them stood in front of the class and competed to see who could do the best job.  Then the class and I (mostly me) made a decision as to who won.  The kids were nervous, but I wanted to challenge them.  Tomorrow we begin reading the inspirational speeches.  (I do not have time to record them.  Sorry.)

Daily Drill, synonyms in the vocab book in class, listened to one student give here speech.  We will begin our speeches tomorrow.

Monday, November 03, 2008

November 3, 2008

The marking period grades are done. I already have some grades for the next MP.  When I get time, I will enter them.  I am looking forward to the next marking period.  It is a fresh start!

Pictionaries, synonyms, choosing with context clues Unit 5

None (except too many students did not hand in their essays!)

Began unit 5 words
Continued to watch plays to determine a winner.

Warm-up (vocab review)
Checked who was finished essays and collected.
Began unit 5 words.  I tried something different in class today.  I had the students do the pictionaries to start learning the words.  Instead of talking at the students about the words, I had them wrestle with them a little and teach them to each other.