Choosing the right word unit 10
Daily Spelling (see list on MrBoZ.com)
Reviewed synonyms and started Choosing the right word
Began to analyze the lyrics to "Gotta Go My Own Way."
The current writing topic is explained on my web page. I wanted the students to see how a message can be delivered with sensitivity to the audience, in this case, Troy. I had them divide the lyrics into three categories: What she had to say, what Troy said, and the things she said that showed she was sensitive to his pain. Later, when we brainstorm our own letters, we will be thinking about how the person receiving our letters will react. We will plan for that reaction and try to soften the impact of our message.
With all that said, many students will end up writing a persuasive letter. A few suggested writing to the school board about the dress code. I have to think about this. I know the topic is on their mind, but I had a more personal letter in mind. I don't want letters to senators to stop global warming. There has to be someone in our lives that we aren't being totally honest with about our feelings and we just need to get them out. The letter can be pretend as well. Hey, if this were the DSTP, and they can't think of what to write, they might have to make something up to be able to write the essay.