Friday, February 29, 2008

February 29, 2008 (Leap Day)

None for the weekend.

Half day. We did not do much. I am having the students submit their brainstorming for their letters so I can see what we need to discuss. The way I teach writing is I like to teach all the ideas up front. Then, when I read the essays, I expect to see the lessons demonstrated. I guess it's the difference between "Practice makes perfect" and "Perfect practice makes perfect." I don't want them to just write, although there is some merit to do that. However, with outcome-based education as it is now, I must demonstrate mastery by the students.

(Sorry for not blogging Thursday. We took quiz 10. The results are on the grades. I handed out grades to sections 3, 6, and 7 this week.)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 27, 2008

Study for vocab quiz 10
I changed the due date of the sensitive letter. (I am not sure when, though.)

The main goal of today was to read an example of a sensitive letter. Three years ago, during a similar assignment, a student of mine wrote a letter to the head of DIAA. The letter she wrote was understanding and polite. She did not just list demands, as if the recipient were required to do something about it. Instead, she wrote a letter that showed she understood how hard it might be for this man to make the changes she was requesting. We then read his response which showed he heard what she was saying. The letter stated that his organization already had similar requests in the past. Then he took the time to answer each of her concerns.

I am asking the students to know who they will write to by tomorrow. I had planned on being a little further by now, but that's how it always is. I want to teach the lessons I need to teach. Then I want to see my lessons demonstrated in their writing.

As far as writing goes, I graded the 300 word pieces. I had a tough time figuring out how I would grade them. At first, if you read the page, I thought I would have a detailed rubric, and the piece would be worth 60 points. That proved to be too time consuming and unnecessary. I decided to use the rubric as a general guide and base the grade mostly on one thing: was the piece an example of exploding the moment? I made the piece worth 100 points. An "A" piece was a good example of the exploding the moment technique. The piece was not supposed to be a complete story. It was to be a 30 second part of a story, slowed down and exploded. It was to focus on description and thoughts happening in the moment. A "B" piece did some of it. A "C" piece really didn't do what was needed, but the piece was more descriptive than the usual narrative.

February 26, 2008

Sections 6 and 7 flashcards.
Finish unit 10 in the book.
Section 3 is still doing almost all work in class.

Finished the discussion of how Gabriella is sensitive in the way she delivers her message to Troy. Charts were handed in for credit. I do not have a worksheet for this. The three columns are from the three colors you can see on the file on the web page for the latest assignment. These were discussed before.

(I forgot to blog this Tuesday after school. Sorry.)

Monday, February 25, 2008

February 25, 2008

Sections 1 and 2: Completing the Sentence
Sections 6 and 7: Completing the Sentence and finish the 3 column chart discussed in class
Section 3: I handed out grade slips. Make-up work should be done.

Daily Spelling- See the list on

With the missed day last week, I started class by reviewing the vocabulary words. We put the pictionaries on the board and tried to guess them. We also started the completing the sentence.

Then we discussed how the next piece they write will be a persuasive letter. The theme is, "I gotta say what's on my mind." The focus of my lessons for this persuasive piece, as I always do with persuasion, is to be very aware of the audience we are writing to. The purpose of the three column chart is to see how Gabriella said what she needed to, yet she was sensitive to the feelings of Troy. I want the students to see this pattern because I will be expecting them to spend time preparing their points in light of the person they are writing to.

The letter is very open ended. Tomorrow I will give them time to start exploring what they will write about. The due date is going to change!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 21, 2008

Choosing the right word unit 10

Daily Spelling (see list on
Reviewed synonyms and started Choosing the right word
Began to analyze the lyrics to "Gotta Go My Own Way."

The current writing topic is explained on my web page. I wanted the students to see how a message can be delivered with sensitivity to the audience, in this case, Troy. I had them divide the lyrics into three categories: What she had to say, what Troy said, and the things she said that showed she was sensitive to his pain. Later, when we brainstorm our own letters, we will be thinking about how the person receiving our letters will react. We will plan for that reaction and try to soften the impact of our message.

With all that said, many students will end up writing a persuasive letter. A few suggested writing to the school board about the dress code. I have to think about this. I know the topic is on their mind, but I had a more personal letter in mind. I don't want letters to senators to stop global warming. There has to be someone in our lives that we aren't being totally honest with about our feelings and we just need to get them out. The letter can be pretend as well. Hey, if this were the DSTP, and they can't think of what to write, they might have to make something up to be able to write the essay.

February 20, 2008

Pictionaries 11-20 and synonyms unit 10

Daily Spelling
Discussed words 11-20 unit 10
All recordings are finished (I will post them over the weekend.)
We began our next assignment based on the song "Gotta Go My Own Way."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February 19, 2008

Homework: Pictionaries 1-10 unit 10

New Daily Drill- Each day I will be giving students 10 spelling words. These are from a list of 250 tricky words in our grammar books. Most of them have a letter or two that is frequently wrong. (As one who has trouble spelling, these words annoy me. )

The students will spell the words as best they can. Then I will put up the correct spellings. They should keep them organized in their English notebook. I will have an open note test when we are finished with all the words. If a student is absent, he can check this page.

I handed out grade slips to sections 1,2,6,7. They do not have to be signed.
We listened to words 1-10 unit 10 in vocab.
Most of my classes are finishing up reading the 300 word pieces.

A note about last week
I have been absent 4 days in the last week or so. My daughter was sick. Then my son got strep throat. It has been frustrating, not only because my children were miserable, but my classes got behind. However, the assignments the students completed with the subs were well planned and relevant. They did count for grades, as well as students' class participation! Whenever I am absent, I try very hard to give the subs something to teach. I never expect my students to just play when there is a sub. Some did, and that is reflected in their grades.

Friday, February 08, 2008

I am back in my room!

Here is the transformation so far. Obviously there is a lot of work to be done, but I am not putting the old stuff back up until we finish our 300 word pieces. I want this year's students to have their stuff put up first. When we are done reading and recording, there will be 127 little boxes hanging above the seats the students occupied... until the next time the ceiling has to be removed, or worse, I have to change rooms! Perish the thought!

(Yes, it was stressful. The temporary room was awful!)

February 8, 2008

Sections 1,2,6,7 should have their 300 word piece and cube done for Monday.
They will be reading their piece to the class. They will be recorded.
You can find the requirements here.

Sections 1,2,3,6 were given grade slips that need to be signed.
We reviewed the choosing the right word for vocabulary.
Sections 1 and 2 discussed how a narrative is a series of exploded moments. We discussed how narratives play with time.
Sections 3,6,7 discussed the requirements for the 300 word piece. They were given time to work on the piece. The piece should be hand written on an index card.

(Those were boring sentences! It must be Friday!)

Thursday, February 07, 2008

February 7, 2008

Choosing the right word unit 8
Bring in the picture for the 300 word assignment

Reviewed vocab answers
(sections 1 and 2 got their DuPont Challenge essays back)
I had the students practice writing descriptive pieces as practice.
Here is the assignment page for the 300 word piece.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

February 5, 2008

Pictionaries 1-10 unit 9
Bring in a picture for the project

We reviewed the schedule for the week.
We discussed unit 9 vocab words 1-10.
We began practicing for the next writing piece.

I will take some time soon to make a page to fully explain the next writing piece. In short, we will be practicing a skill called "exploding the moment." The next piece will not be a narrative, but it will focus on a writing technique that should be used in narratives.

Students this age are starting to write in a more mature writing style. When they were younger, narratives tended to have a bed to bed quality; they tell you everything that happened in order. More mature writers are reflective and play with time. They slow down certain moments to give sensory details and thoughts, making the moments linger. The narrative become less about the moment and more about the writer and how he has grown. By limiting the piece to 300 words and a 30 second moment, I am trying to get the students to be as descriptive as possible in a short space.