Grade slips! Many have not been returned.
Sections 1 and 2 finished the agreement unit. They took an assessment. Some did well. Others... well, maybe the test should be in another format. Regardless, my goal was to expose them to the rules and give them some practice. As their writing develops over the years, they will begin to apply some of these rules to their own writing. That is when what we covered will become relevant. These two classes will begin scoring essays until the other classes finish. I need them to help me with the love essays. They can read them for the specific content I assigned. I will score the essays using the state rubric for writing. I have graded 27 of 127 essays. (They take a long time to grade!)
Sections 3,6, and 7 are just about finished with the agreement unit. They are about a 1 1/2 days behind. We will start a new unit around Wednesday of next week. I am not sure what it will be yet.