I saw the rest of the classes today. We are starting a new essay on bullying. We watched 10 minute from the beginning of the movie "How to Eat Fried Worms." We discussed how three characters in the movie deal with being bullied. One ignores it. Another gives into it and is miserable. And the main character thinks he will stand up to the bully and be strong. He takes a bet that would humiliate the bully if he wins, but the bet will humiliate him in the process. He has to eat ten worms! We will watch some other parts of the movie, but we are mainly going to be focusing on reading an article that has suggestions about what to do if you are being bullied.
I have a student teacher who will be with me until the end of May. Here is a letter she sent home with your child. (Some classes do not get it yet.)
Dear Parent(s) /Guardian(s)/ Families of Seventh grade team:
My name is Elizabeth Bastnagel and I will be student teaching in your child’s seventh grade English class for the next eight weeks. I am a student at the University of Delaware working to receive my degree in Elementary Education.
I have had several field experiences through the University, including three other placements in the Red Clay School District at Heritage Elementary School, Richardson Park Elementary School, and at H.B. Dupont Middle School. I have also worked for the Western Family YMCA of Delaware in the before- and after-care school program. These experiences have made me confident that I can succeed in working with your child.
I’m thoroughly excited about the opportunity to work with Mr. Bosler and his seventh graders. I look forward to getting to know your child during the next eight weeks. If at any time during my placement you need to reach me please call the school at (302) 239-3420.
Elizabeth Bastnagel