Monday, September 22, 2014

Important Information

I updated grades on HAC
There is now a summative.
A few too many students are not turning in work.  :(

Assignments for the week:
KBAR due Friday.
Achieve for sections 2 and 3.
Quiz on academic vocabulary: Practice 1, Practice 2.

We viewed this video in class today.
Section 1 has their logins for the online book.  Sections 2 and 3 will get theirs tomorrow.

Section 1 had book exchange.
All classes read the Book Review sample.  The book review must be written by the end of the marking period.  Sooner is better.  I want students to peer edit and offer suggestions.
I will have a web page for them to enter their reviews. (Section 1 already has this.)

Students will also make a small poster to get others interested in reading their book.
I have not shown them an example of this yet.

Short Story
I am getting off track with students writing a short story.  I am finding I have too much to cover for Tom Sawyer.  As soon as I feel we have done what we HAVE TO DO for Tom Sawyer, we will apply what we have been studying to writing their own stories.  As of now, the final short story is NOT DUE next Wednesday.