Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Author's Style Notes: Students should use these terms in their book reviews

These notes are from the Level Up we watched yesterday.  The link is in yesterday's blog entry.  I showed students how to log onto their online books today.

Extra Credit:
Sections 2 and 3 can do an extra Achieve article and earn extra credit for the week.  They only need to to the poll question and do well on the activity questions for the extra credit.

Notes from Author's Style Level Up

Style is the way a particular work is written- not what is said but how it is said.  A style is unique, because it is the result of a writer's individual choices.  These choices give the written work its voice, or personality.

Many elements help to create a writer's style, including word choice, sentence structure, tone, and the use of figurative language.

Word Choice
Short or long
Technical or slang
Conversational or formal

Sentence Structure
Short, simple
Long, complex

Use of Imagery
Figurative language

Voice- Personality comes through writer's style

Tone- writer's attitude toward subject
Serious or humorous
Formal or informal
Angry or peaceful

Three common styles of writing are ornate, conversational, and plain.

Ornate Style
Sophisticated word choice
Complex sentences
Parenthetical expressions

Conversational Tone
Easier for readers to follow

Plain Style
Easy to understand
Less chatty
Simple, direct sentences

Precise word choice