Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Homework over the snow day. (This is detailed, so please read and do.)

I know this is ambitious, but I feel you could do something with your time.  Obviously, not everyone will see this e-mail, but if you have, and you have your poem ready, I can help you while the others work on this in class. Your gain.  :)

1. Have you completed all the responding to literature questions in the packet we used in class?  I would especially like you to do the last page because those questions put it all together. (Most importantly, do the last page called Lineage.) This is practice for writing the essay soon.

         Appreciating Poetry from Holt Book

2. Do these two formative sheets.  On Thursday, we listened to "Red" and "Lose Yourself."  I had asked you to identify the devices in the lyrics.  You did not do it clearly.  I can grade this easier. 

          Print out.  (or download the Word document)
          Detail how each device is used or is not used in each song.
          Hand in when we return.

         Red Lyrics
        1.  Poetic Devices in Red PDF  (Word doc)
         Lose Yourself Lyrics
        2.  Poetic Devices in Lose Yourself PDF (Word doc)
        Use this page to help you explain WHY sound devices are used

3. Write a rough draft of your poem.
         The poem must be over 30 seconds long when read aloud. Over one minute is preferred.
         I want you to come into class with something we can read and make suggestions on.
         This does not have to be the neatly typed, illustrated piece. 
         I am not expecting you all to be poetry writers, but I do expect you to try.
         You can imitate (not change a few words) poems we have read.

4. E-mail me your rough draft of the poem for feedback.

These were typed by students.  All typos are their.  :)

Here are some messages students want to convey in their poems.
You are in control of your life.
do not take anything for granted because it can be gone within a slpit second
If you want to continue on to the future then don't dwell on the past.
Never give up
No matter how harsh/strict your parents treat you, they always do it out of love.
In the wake of destruction, there can be creation.
every rose has its thorn
Integrity is important; don't compromise your commitments and standards.
Don't get too wrapped up in something that you forget hwere you're going and what you want in life, so that when you finally pick your head up and realize whats going on you fall and find your breaking point.
Nobody wants to be forgotten
Never judge anyone if you don't know them.
To never give up and always try hard
My message is never give up on a goal that you have and that you should keep working at that goal until you succeed.
Live your life without regrets.
Being a twin. How everyone thinks you are exactly the same person but everyone is their own person no matter how similair you are
Life will throw many challenges at you, but that does not mean that you should hate life.
Everyone is important.
The pain of forgetting (alzheimers)
Practice makes perfect because when I was little i started to really like acting and i practiced all the time. This went on untill I was in 5th Grade and we did "Charlie and the Chocalate Factory" as the school play. I really wanted to play Verucia Salt because I thought it would be fun to act like a spoiled brat. So I practiced and practiced and I went to the audition after school and I aced it! Most of the younger kids (the school went up to 8th grade) got a "smaller part" so I was really happy.
Let your imagination take you places.
If one dies, nobody cares. Society moves on.
A song is a poem, heard by all.
be yourself
i want to convey that everyone is beautiful in their own way
Try and enjoy life because it's such a great thing
don't give up
If you have a dream or something you want to accomplish work hard for it and it can be achieved
There is always good in bad, never look only at the negative, there has to be a positive to be a negative; There will always be light in dark.
Do not judge a book by its cover.
Don't judge others until you learn about them because everybody has reasons for their actions.
Watch what you say, because words hurt.
You can do anything you set your mind to
Do what you want with your life, it's not about anyone else.
I would like to convey the idea of breaking away from the chains of guilt.
believe in yourself and what you can achieve
never judge a book by its cover
Cherish what you have while you have it because nothing stays forever.
Never give up.
Don't dwell on the past or don't take on a task that is way too big.
dont judge a book by its cover
Never regret things that have already happened.
Do not procrastinate, or else there will be consequences.
Different is okay.
I would like to illustrate the message that if one slows down, than the others will take the lead (reffering to some type of race).
The message I want to convey to the reader is that it is difficult to make a poem.
Don't take advantage of any opportunitys when they come at you.
That You Can Overcome Each Obstacle That's In Your Way
Gold will always shine in the end.
There will always be a place to relax
It's okay to be different.
Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.
What other people think of you or the things you do doesn't matter.