Thursday, January 02, 2014

Happy New Year!

We did not do too much today.  Sections 2 and 3 worked on Achieve while I talked to students about their Algernon essays.  Section 1 just worked on Unit 7 vocabulary.  We will start on poetry in earnest Monday.

Section If you could choose just one word as your focus for 2014, what would it be? What is your New Year's resolution?
Section 2 Focused -Focus better
-Be happier/optimistic
Section 2 smarter to not fight with my sisters and to get better grades.
Section 2 SCHOOL Dont Have One '
Section 2 Focus Don't watch that much Netflix
Section 2 persistent To work on Lacrosse, Soccer and Field hockey more.
Section 2 ennui my new year resolution is to not care.
Section 2 satisfied My new year's resolution is to get in the habit of being friendly to others and be more positive.
Section 2 Determined I want to get better scores in school than last year.
Section 2 non-attitude To not have an attitude
Section 2 healthy My New Years resolution is to exercise more and go out more, not to stay indoors as much.
Section 2 Healthy Eat healthy, excersize more, learn morse code, read a lot, learn to problem solve well.
Section 2 stupendous Not to let what other people say about me bother me.
Section 2 Art -Stop writing 2013 on my papers
-Finsh a sketchbook
-Draw all of the Avengers
-Keep the grades up
Section 2 peachy To be nicer to people (especially my brother).
Section 2 slow My New Year's resolution is to never do a New Year's resolution again
Section 2 FUN. draw more awesome graphics
 add sparkles to  EVERYTHING.
Section 2 read My New Year's resolution is to read more books.
Section 2 Boss My New Year's resolution is to improve in piano.
Section 2 Happiness I would like to be nicer in 2014.
Section 2 improved I haven't officially made any resolutions, but over 2014 I want to improve as a person and to learn more.
Section 2 . to improve in sports and academics
Section 2 Achievement -Qualify for the USAMO or USJMO math competitions
-Build an awesome robot
-Get top six in National Science Olympiad
Section 2 change Do best i can be in school and outside of school.
Section 2 fit my new years resolution is to not be fat. and work out more
Section 2 Healthy Excersise twice a week
eat heathlier
have 4 shutout games
Stay in touch with BC
Take allie's room over
Section 2 improvement my new years resolution is to improve on skills that i have and to improve on new things that I might try to improve my writing skills so I can become a better writer overall. I will try to improve and work my hardest and hopefully it will pay off.
Section 2 Living To go to the High School I want to go to (Cab)
Get good grades
Section 3 Grades I must get something higher than a 93 or 94 even if I have straight A's right now.I also have to learn a piece of music for piano each week and record more.
Section 3 nice to be a nicer person to the people around me.
Section 3 School 1) Get at least 2 1st places in Science Olympiad
2) Get 98% or higher at the end of at least 1 marking period for all of my classes
3) Study Harder
4) Not get distracted easily
Section 3 HighSchool Get into a good high school and NOT regret which high school I choose
Section 3 Routine My New Year's resolution is to wake up before 9:00 am each day, even during breaks and weekends.
Section 3 Nicer To be even nicer than before.
Section 3 better get better in school and be nice to my family.
Section 3 Homework I want to do more of my homework becauseI forget it or ignore it sometimes.
Section 3 Intelligence -Get into Charter
-Study a lot
-Have a lot of friends
-Learn algebra 2 and trig
-Write a lot of essays
Section 3 Food Finish writing book
Section 3 Fitness To work out more and get into grea shape for high school and more competitive sports.

Focus more and work harder in school.
Section 3 Fun My New Years resolution is to be more fun andnot care what people think. I also want to try to be more independent and not rely on other people as much to help me out.
Section 3 Spercalifragilisticexpealidoucious To get straight A's.
Section 3 School Eat healthier

Get into high school
Section 3 Me To become a better more confident person.
Go to Sanford
Section 2 pretty i need a better fashion taste
Section 3 School I want to go to CSW for high school, and to prepare I need to focus on math work.
Also, I think I can improve in English, namely writing essays, so I will work on that this year, especially this summer.
Also, the beginning of my year will be focused on Science Olympiad so I want to do well, and possibly win at the national level.
Section 3 focus My new year's resolution is to focus and to get a better resolution.
Section 3 Motivation Start running, eat healthier, go to bed earlier.
Section 3 Effort To get straight As at least one marking period this year.
Section 3 tolerance To not get annoyed by other people as much.
Section 3 Inspiration My New Year's resolution is to master JavaScript.
Section 3 better I want to lose 50 lbs
I want to life a dramma free life
I also want to start doing thi ngs for myself
Section 3 Study To study to get better grades in school:)
Section 3 personality To become a better person :) although im already amazing
Section 3 Focus My New Year's resolution is to:
- Accomplish all minor and major goals.
- Try extra hard to complete all of my academic assignments on time and accurate.
- Relax whenever I can.
Section 1 Sports To be the trillest
Be more of a hipsTer
Play LAX more
make a tumblr