Thursday, November 07, 2013


Sections 2 & 3 were to interrogate or try one of the narrators from the two Poe stories we read.  It is an ungraded activity, but it makes them think about the sanity of the narrator, which is a character created by the writer, Poe.  We have been examining the reliability of the narrator.

Section 1 owes me a narrative tomorrow.  They will have about an hour to work on it today.  They also had a sub yesterday, and she said that they worked well.  They were adding dialogue, thoughts, and sensory details.

Sections 2 & 3 will take the vocab quiz on unit 4 tomorrow.  They also should read part of The Pit and The Pendulum for tomorrow, up through page 177 in the packet.  We established the background of the story today. 

Sections 2 & 3: Originally, I wanted the final draft of the Poe analysis due Tuesday.  I now would like a draft due on Tuesday.  Let's see what they write and get some feedback from each other.  I put the topics on my blog a few days ago.