Monday, November 04, 2013


Section 1 has a narrative due Friday.  We spent today discussing what a narrative is and how to figure out a topic.  I think I modeled the process rather well.  They should have a topic for tomorrow.
Section 1 did not have time to do Achieve today.  Students are expected to do 2 articles this week, regardless of if we get to it in class.

Sections 2 & 3 have two achieve articles due by the end of the week.
Sections 2 & 3 have pictionaries and Choosing the Right Word for unit 4 due tomorrow.  Please see the classroom calendar for more due dates.

Students in sections 2 & 3 should know that they need to keep up with the homework.  I showed them all of the resources available for them to be successful on the Poe project due next Tuesday.