Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Another sample outline for a Poe essay


By now you are starting to get a feel for Poe’s writing style.  How would you explain his writing style to someone who has never read him before?  Be sure to discuss his use of many of the following: Mood, Tone, Visualization, Figurative Language, Sentence Structure, Vocabulary, Dialogue, Choice of Topic, Setting, Plot Structure, Foreshadowing, and Suspense.

Remember, all three pieces must be mentioned; although, you can focus mainly on one.

Poe's writing style creates pieces that are scary.
·      Choice of topic & setting
·      Mood & tone
·      Plot structure and suspense.
Poe's writing style is confusing.
·      Sentence structure
·      Word choice and vocabulary
·      Visualization and foreshadowing

This way it is easier to discuss all three.