Thursday, October 03, 2013

Preliminary Themes from Sections 2 and 3

I don't want students to write about an event just to tell us what happened.  The story they tell should have meaning- for them and for us.  Here are some lessons the students will be writing about.

1.    Persistence and curiosity can make great discoveries.
2.    That everyone is important Practice makes perfect:)
3.    Even the worst day can turn out to be awesome.
4.    Be young while you can Always do your best!
5.    There's a silver lining to every cloud.
6.    With Persistence and dedication, along with drive and a goal, you can do anything.
7.    Mankind will prevail.
8.    If you set your mind to something you'll be able to accomplish it
9.    To know weather you get sea sick or not so you can take medication in advance.
10. Even if you are afraid to do something you should always still do it because something good will come out of it.
11. Lessons from yesterday can transform today.
12. Don't push yourself past your limit.
13. Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.
14. You must learn to know when to turn the page, and move on instead of holding onto the past.
15. If you ask many times you can get what you want.
16. Never let fear make a decision for you.
17. Everything is not as scary as it seems, you may even like it.
18. Try things even if you think you won't succeed because you may surprise yourself and do better than you though you would.
19. If you practice what you need accomplished you will be better at it.
20. Do not give up.
21. Always try something before you say you don't like it.
22. Stay with a parent or guardian at all times.
23. Even the most unexpected thing can happen.
24. Test On non-living first not on yourself.
25. Double check even the simplest things.

27. Daily routines can change, you just have to adapt to it and deal with it.
28. Work hard and you can achieve anything.
29. Never believe that you can't do something.
30. In the end, nothing will be wasted, it will all pay off eventually.
31. If you believe in yourself anything is possible.
32. Always have the courage to try something new.
33. Despite hardships and troubles, you can always do the right thing to prevent others from facing the same ordeals.
34. If you keep trying and believe in yourself, you will be able to accomplish a big goal.
35. No one is around forever.
36. Never take anyone for granted.
37. Christmas has lots of rewards.
38. Never deem anything useless. It could be useful in the future.
39. Never give up.
40. Consider the consequences of an idea before launching it into action.
41. You don't have to agree with everything the government does.
42. Creativity and persistence can lead to great things. 
43. Some people just don’t listen.
44. The most unexpected action that happen to you can make a huge advantage.
45. When you are doing something never, never, never give up! Never give up.
46. If you give up it is worse then failing.
47. How I turned one of the grossest days and an atmosphere I hate into one of the best days and had a lot of fun!
48. Never throw a snowball of ice at someone's face.
49. Maybe if you try hard enough and not give up, you will one day succeed.
50. That to live a pleasant life, you don't need to finish traditional education, and if you really drop out of school to focus on a life long goal (it has to be something good) with effort, you will meet that distant target.
51. Don’t over think and stress out too much. Just trust your skills and have fun.
52. Not everything is what it seems; during the boring and the bad weather days you can still have fun.
53. The dangers of ignorance.
54. There is no "I" in "Team"
55. Don't give up and try your best.
56. Always try new things and take chances.
57. Never trust people that you don’t know.

(Thank you for entering these on the form.)