Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I am working them hard!

  • All classes have a review quiz on ALL the words from units 1-3.  I highly recommend using Quizlet to study for the test.  I want to see how well they know all the words.  The test will count the same as the other unit tests.
  • All classes are examining the two versions of Ransom of Red Chief.  Here are links to the .pdfs if they need them:

Sections 1 and 2 had 25 minutes to do Achieve.  Section 3 was assigned the two Achieve assignments as homework due by Friday.   

All students should have completed 2 Achieve articles by Friday.

Sections 2 & 3 will have time to work on their presentations tomorrow.  I am hoping to have some groups present on Thursday and others on Friday.

Section 1 will get some time to brainstorm for their pieces tomorrow.  I am aiming for Friday to have the comparison pieces done. I would like to get a few students to debate which version is better.  We'll see.