Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Vocab Quiz 9 Tomorrow

Homework: Quiz Unit 9 tomorrow!

Wednesday in the Computer Lab
                I want to record your result.  Raise your hand.
       3.  Continue typing your piece
                Remember, we are focusing on dialogue!
               You need at least 15 exchanges!

Sections 4 and 5
        1. Try this for me, please. 
               Copy this to Word. 
               Use one line from top or bottom (beginning or at end).  

***Notice in the example below that new paragraphs are used often.  I had the students think of these paragraph breaks like camera shots on TV.  I would rather students have too many paragraphs than not enough.  I sat down with many students today at their computers and broke up their paragraphs for them. ****

Houghton Mifflin English
The Telephone Rang
By Marc L.

       One day I was sitting down watching TV, when the telephone rang. I got up and answered it. I couldn't believe who it was! It was the owner of the pet store. She said I'd won a cat! Then she said, “Excuse me, I have a customer who needs help.” She put me on hold.
       I sat waiting for a long time, and then I hung up.
       I started watching TV again, and the phone rang again. It was the host of a TV show. “You've won a million dollars!” he said. Then he put me on hold because he had to get back to his show.
       I waited and waited, and finally I hung up.