Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Quiz 10 Vocab Thursday

I discussed why magazines exist.  It would be nice to think that magazines are created just to spread knowledge and entertain the masses.  In reality, magazines make people money.  The magazine brings together an audience and advertisers.  If the magazine is good, lots of people read it; therefore, there are lots of eyes to look at ads.  The more eyes a magazine gets, the more it can charge for the ads.  That money helps pay for the production of the magazine, which keeps the magazine at a reasonable price.  A low price means more people can afford it, which means more eyes will see the ads.

I also discussed that not all ads are deceptive.  The artificial means of persuasion mostly relate to viewers' emotions.  Sometimes we buy products that we need, and the ad gives us the pertinent information, the facts.  Many times, though, because we have some extra cash, we dream about buying things we want.  Ads that appeal to our wants will not convince us through logic because our desire is not logical to begin with.  Therefore, the ads will use techniques that appeal to our emotions.