Monday, December 05, 2011

Research in the library is finished

Here is what I collected today:
(I am "grading" the notes and bibliography to provide feedback on the quality of the research completed. I have entered sections 4 and 5 into HAC.  The others will be in soon.)

Monday, December 5: Let’s wrap up the research.

1. Print out the following documents:
        Document 1:  Describe_the_ant_in_Hey_Little_Ant.doc
         Document 2:  Facts_about_ants_worksheet_2011.doc

2. Create your bibliography using
        I have created a started document for you: Starter_Bibliography_Ant_Essay_2011.doc
        Only include the ones you have used for your research.
        Print out your bibliography

3. Start filling in your outline: short version of ant essay outline.doc   (Due Thursday!)
        P1 - Intro
        P2- Your three main reasons
        P3- What your opponent would say
        P4- How your opponent is wrong.
        P5- Conclusion

4. Ant Simulator- The chemistry of communication