Thursday, November 04, 2010

Types of photos

Pictionaries 11-20 and synonyms unit 4 vocabulary.

As part of getting students ready to do the PTA Reflections Contest, I discussed how I divide pictures along a continuum.  It ranges from Documenting to Artistic/Documenting to Artistic based on the picture's purpose.  On the documenting side, the pictures are there to, well, document.  They are plain.  On the other extreme, the pictures are artistic; they are pieces of art that contain colors or lighting or a variety of other characteristics that make the picture more than just a picture.  In the middle is artistic documenting.  These are pictures that document, but they have artistic qualities.  See the pictures below.  I will try to get students to think about composing a shot rather than just snapping a picture.

I am excited to see what art form the students choose.  I must confess, I am hoping that students take pictures.  (FYI- Students will be responsible for printing their pictures.)

 This picture is artistic.

This picture is artistic/ documenting.

This picture is documenting.

For more examples of pictures, we explored MSNBC's The Week in Pictures.