Tuesday, November 09, 2010

November 9, 2010

Completing the Sentence Unit 4
PTA Reflections idea proposal due November 15th.  (More details tomorrow.)

Entered the Choosing the Right Word into the responders.
I had the students think about what "togetherness" means for the PTA contest.
We discussed the following notes on sentence structure.

Notes for Chapter 1: The Sentence and its parts

Lesson 1
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.

Every complete sentence has two basic parts:
A subject and a predicate

Complete subject- all the words that tell whom or what the sentence is about.
Some architects bring nature indoors.
(Who or what does something?)

Complete Predicate- verb and all the words that complete the verb’s meaning.
Some architects bring nature indoors.
(What does the subject do?)

Professional Model: (find simple subject and simple verb)
This dreamer from the prairie states didn’t copy other people’s designs.

Find the simple subject and simple predicate.
1. Frank Lloyd Wright designed an unusual home in the Pennsylvania woods.

2. The owners called the house Fallingwater.

3. Sections of the house jut over a waterfall.

4. Its stone walls blend in with the natural surroundings.

5. More than 130,000 people visit the site each year.

6. Tourists can see a very different house near Spring Green, Wisconsin.

7. The architect Alex Jordan built House on the Rock on a column of sandstone.

8. Its many rooms contain unique furnishings.

9. An automated band plays music all day for the tourists.

10. This odd house attracts half a million visitors a year.