Wednesday, November 10, 2010

PTA Reflections proposal due Monday

Quiz 4 on Friday
PTA Reflections Proposal due Monday

Please include the following in the proposal:

1. Together we can ... what?  Example: Together we can bake cookies.
2. Explain the type of project you will be making.  Include your plans to get the project done.
3. Explain what message you want to convey about the theme "Together we can."  What do you hope the viewer will think or feel about togetherness?

This should be on a separate sheet of paper.  The explanation should be about 250 words.  You can think of this as a dry run for the real 250 word piece that will be handed in with the entry on November 23.

If you have any questions about the project, please see my web page. 

I handed out the requirements for each type of art piece.  I made links on the project web page.