Thursday, December 10, 2015

Buzzwords Quiz coming next week!

Be sure you have all these buzzwords in your notes.
Practice the buzzwords using this Quizlet page.

1.commemorateto call or recall to mind
2.covertnot openly made or done; covered over: sheltered
3.hoaxan act intended to trick or deceive
4.horticulturethe science of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants
5.infatuateto fill with a foolish or excessive love or admiration
6.interceptto take or seize on the way to or before arrival; to include (part of a line surface, or solid) between two points, curves, or surfaces
7.luminousgiving off light; shining
8.manaclea shackle for the hand or wrist : handcuff
9.maneuvera clever or skillful move or action
10.manipulateto treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially with skill
11.mellifluoussmoothly flowing
12.misconstrueto misinterpret
13.optimista person who has the habit of expecting everything to turn out for the best
14.panaceaa remedy for all ills or difficulties : cure-all
15.pandemoniuma wild uproar : tumult (Hell in Paradise Lost)
16.pantheona group of illustrious people
17.rebellionopen opposition to authority; open fighting against authority (as one's government)
18.recedeto move back or away; to slant backward; to grow less or smaller
19.root: duellumroot meaning war
20.root: manroot meaning hand
21.root: optimusroot which means "best"
22.root: panroot meaning all
23.root: teleroot meaning far away
24.root: theosroot meaning god
25.root: transroot which means "across"
26.struerethe Latin root which means "to build"
27.telepathicable to manipulate people's minds
28.tranquilfree from disturbance or turmoil : quiet
29.transcendto rise above or go beyond the limits of : exceed
30.uproara state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance