Practice the buzzwords using this Quizlet page.
1. | commemorate | to call or recall to mind | |
2. | covert | not openly made or done; covered over: sheltered | |
3. | hoax | an act intended to trick or deceive | |
4. | horticulture | the science of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants | |
5. | infatuate | to fill with a foolish or excessive love or admiration | |
6. | intercept | to take or seize on the way to or before arrival; to include (part of a line surface, or solid) between two points, curves, or surfaces | |
7. | luminous | giving off light; shining | |
8. | manacle | a shackle for the hand or wrist : handcuff | |
9. | maneuver | a clever or skillful move or action | |
10. | manipulate | to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially with skill | |
11. | mellifluous | smoothly flowing | |
12. | misconstrue | to misinterpret | |
13. | optimist | a person who has the habit of expecting everything to turn out for the best | |
14. | panacea | a remedy for all ills or difficulties : cure-all | |
15. | pandemonium | a wild uproar : tumult (Hell in Paradise Lost) | |
16. | pantheon | a group of illustrious people | |
17. | rebellion | open opposition to authority; open fighting against authority (as one's government) | |
18. | recede | to move back or away; to slant backward; to grow less or smaller | |
19. | root: duellum | root meaning war | |
20. | root: man | root meaning hand | |
21. | root: optimus | root which means "best" | |
22. | root: pan | root meaning all | |
23. | root: tele | root meaning far away | |
24. | root: theos | root meaning god | |
25. | root: trans | root which means "across" | |
26. | struere | the Latin root which means "to build" | |
27. | telepathic | able to manipulate people's minds | |
28. | tranquil | free from disturbance or turmoil : quiet | |
29. | transcend | to rise above or go beyond the limits of : exceed | |
30. | uproar | a state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance |