Thursday, December 17, 2015

Horror essay due by midnight.


If you are having trouble picturing how this essay looks, please check out this page!

Section 1
Review Vocabulary homework (enter page 86)
Keep typing your essay.Do two of this Quizlet Unit (full practice)
Essay due Thursday by midnight (see rubric)
Tell Tale Heart Vocabulary Practice (Quiz Friday)
Vocabulary test 1-6 Friday

Sections 2 & 3
Keep typing your essay
Essay due Thursday by midnight  (see rubric)

These students worked on their essays at home Wednesday night.  Good for you! :)
Sec 1
Haley, Kashish, Ansley, Abigail, Aiden, Jinay, Camille, Dan, Cassidy, Mabel, Mike, Makenna, Albert

Sec 2
Jasmin, Ethan, and Abigail

Sec 3
Sam, Tristan, Jazlyn, Jordan, Derek, and Angella

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The essay is due by midnight Thursday

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Section 1
Inferencing 5-1
Buzzword Quiz
Review Vocabulary
Keep typing your essay.
Essay due Thursday by midnight (see rubric)
Tell-Tale Heart vocabulary quiz Friday
Vocabulary test 1-6 Friday

Sections 2 & 3
Inferencing 5-1
Buzzword Quiz
Keep typing your essay
Essay due Thursday by midnight  (see rubric)

I am very disappointed that only about three students worked on the essay at home last night.

Refer to the other days on my site for resources.  
I have given you everything you need to be successful. 
It is your responsibility to get this essay written.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Monkey's Paw essay organization

I created this to show students how to compare the two versions- the written and the video.  Each section has a specific focus which can be directly compared and supported.

Also, notice how these required talking points can now be added in:
___ Plot
___ Flashback
___ Characters shouldn’t go
___ Characters shouldn’t seek information
___ Setting
___ Their world is believable or like ours
___ Conflict
___ Source of horror inside/outside
___ Natural explanation
___ Movie techniques like lighting, sound, music

Introduction: I believe the book created tension, suspense, and fear better than the movie.

Compare how the paw was revealed.
Compare how the story ended.
Compare beginning up to when Sergeant Major shows up.
Compare the general creepiness of the story.
Compare how you say, “Don’t do it!”

Conclusion: I believe the book created tension, suspense, and fear better than the movie.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sections 2 & 3: What is due this week?

Sections 2 & 3
(We have the computers all week, so there are NO EXCUSES for not getting this done!)

1. Practice these Buzzwords for a quiz on Friday.

2. Essay
The goal of a horror story is to create tension and suspense.  If the story can do that well, the reader will feel fear!  I believe that the written version of The Monkey’s Paw does a better job at creating a sense of fear in the reader than the movie version does on the viewer. (You choose which position you want.)

The rough draft of the essay is due ASAP so I can help students with their drafts.
The final draft of the essay is due on Friday.

Section 1: What is due by Friday this week?

Section 1: Honors
1. You will have a quiz Wednesday on the Tell-Tale Heart vocabulary.  Practice here.
2. You will have a vocabulary quiz Friday on units 1-6:

Units 1-6 Review Homework
  • December 18: Quiz on units 1-6 Words 
  • Monday, Dec. 14- Pages 81 +82
  • Tuesday, Dec. 15- Pages 83 + 84
  • Wednesday, Dec 16- Pages 86+87
  • Do two of this Quizlet Unit

3. You must write or brainstorm or outline the essay for Tell-Tale Heart: Which version of the story creates more tension, suspense, and fear.

4. You must have a final draft of ONE of the two essays you have brainstormed.  Write a good version of either the Monkey's Paw essay or The Tell-Tale Heart essay.

Here are links you will need:
Name it: Lastname_FirstName_Tell_Tale_ Comparison_Essay
Share with

1. How well did you write the essay?
60 - 100% How well did you address and support this topic? (Writing grade)
In your opinion, which version of the story is better at creating tension, suspense, and fear: the written or the video?

2. How well did you understand the story?
60 - 100% You have included enough details from the story to prove that you understand the story from beginning to end. (Reading comprehension)

3. Can you explain the elements of the horror genre?
60 - 100% We have taught the elements of horror. Prove that you understand the elements of the horror genre by including all of the following terms in your essay:
___ Plot
___ Flashback
___ Characters shouldn’t go
___ Characters shouldn’t seek information
___ Setting
___ Their world is believable or like ours
___ Conflict
___ Source of horror inside/outside
___ Natural explanation
___ Movie techniques like lighting, sound, music

(Bold them in your essay!)

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Buzzwords Quiz coming next week!

Be sure you have all these buzzwords in your notes.
Practice the buzzwords using this Quizlet page.

1.commemorateto call or recall to mind
2.covertnot openly made or done; covered over: sheltered
3.hoaxan act intended to trick or deceive
4.horticulturethe science of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants
5.infatuateto fill with a foolish or excessive love or admiration
6.interceptto take or seize on the way to or before arrival; to include (part of a line surface, or solid) between two points, curves, or surfaces
7.luminousgiving off light; shining
8.manaclea shackle for the hand or wrist : handcuff
9.maneuvera clever or skillful move or action
10.manipulateto treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially with skill
11.mellifluoussmoothly flowing
12.misconstrueto misinterpret
13.optimista person who has the habit of expecting everything to turn out for the best
14.panaceaa remedy for all ills or difficulties : cure-all
15.pandemoniuma wild uproar : tumult (Hell in Paradise Lost)
16.pantheona group of illustrious people
17.rebellionopen opposition to authority; open fighting against authority (as one's government)
18.recedeto move back or away; to slant backward; to grow less or smaller
19.root: duellumroot meaning war
20.root: manroot meaning hand
21.root: optimusroot which means "best"
22.root: panroot meaning all
23.root: teleroot meaning far away
24.root: theosroot meaning god
25.root: transroot which means "across"
26.struerethe Latin root which means "to build"
27.telepathicable to manipulate people's minds
28.tranquilfree from disturbance or turmoil : quiet
29.transcendto rise above or go beyond the limits of : exceed
30.uproara state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance