Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Value of Work Essay Requirements due December 19

I had big plans for the first unit of study when the year started, but things changed as the months went by.  It is time to wrap up the first unit on the value of work.  I see no other way to do this than to have the students write an essay that demonstrates they have learned the requirements of the first unit.

I will read the essays and give them a grade, but I will not be grading them as thoroughly as I am grading the current book review.

There are three essay options below.  I think I have made the requirements clear.  

Topic: After reading these pieces, I believe the value of work is…

Essay Form Option 1

We have read ten pieces on the value of work.  Each author tried to convey a message about the value of work.  For this essay, I would like you to explain some of the messages the authors were trying to convey in their pieces and how each one helped you arrive at your own decision about what is the value of work.

Option A
You have one position on the value of work and use at least four pieces to back up your position.

I believe the value of work is to make you strong.

P2: I learned that work makes you strong from piece 1
·      Summarize the piece and the message
·      Explain how the author conveyed the message
·      and what you learned from him/her
P3: I learned that work makes you strong from piece 2
·      Summarize the piece and the message
·      Explain how the author conveyed the message
·      and what you learned from him/her

Option B
You can say that there are many ways to describe the value of work and use at least four pieces explain what you mean. 

P2: From piece 1, I learned that work is…
·      Summarize the piece and the message
·      Explain how the author conveyed the message
·      and what you learned from him/her
P3: From piece 2, I learned that work is…
·      Summarize the piece and the message
·      Explain how the author conveyed the message
·      and what you learned from him/her

Essay Form Option 2

Option C
Throughout this unit, I have been learning about the value of work.  I have learned some lessons, but the lesson was not always so easy to learn.  I believe the choice of form matters when you are trying to convey a message to an audience?

Which two pieces had the clearest message on the value of work?

Which two pieces contained a message but might have been unclear?

Which two pieces were either unclear about the message on the value of work or did not contain a message at all?

As you discuss each piece explain the following:
Summarize the piece and the message
Explain the form of the piece (poem, bio, etc.)

How did the writer’s use of  _____________(See list below) help or hinder your understanding of the message?

Setting, Plot, Conflict, Tone, Word Choice, Sentence Structure, Imagery, Sensory Details, Point of View, Character Choice

What I want to see when I grade your essays
The Basics:
Six paragraphs
P1: Introductory paragraph that has a hook and thesis. 
Use the hook list.
The thesis is the position you will explain.
P2: Piece 1
P3: Piece 2
P4: Piece 3
P5: Piece 4
P6: Conclusion paragraph
Restates the introduction
Wraps up your paper

Good grammar
Please take your time to make sure everything is perfect.
(I will lower your grade if you have too many distracting errors.)

Have the three required sections for each body paragraph

As long as you have the basic requirements above, the grade starts at a 70%. 

From there, I will determine how well you explained what you believe is the value of work based on these pieces. 
·      Remember, you do not have jobs, so you are learning from others. 
·      I will be looking for a thorough explanation of the writer’s message and how it helped you to understand the value of work.
·      Demonstrate that you have learned something from these writers.