Monday, December 22, 2014

Section 1 Book Promotions

Over the last few days, section 1 students promoted their KBAR books to the class.  The results below show which books the students were most interested in reading based on the presentations.  I am glad to see that Night was at the top of the list.  We are going to read it in the spring anyway!

I am providing these links so students can review the presentations at their leisure. These students are getting very good at making Google Slideshows! 

I have decided I am going to read If I Stay and The Fault in Our Stars.  I have not seen the movies, but the book reviews and the presentations really piqued my interest.

Night 89.7
If I Stay 89.4
The Fault in our Stars (Power Point) 89
The Scorch Trials 85.4
The Hunger Games 85.1
Ghost Hawk 84.3
Ignite Me 83.4
Lord of the Flies 82.9
Allegiant 81.1
Fairest 80.9
The Death Cure 80.3
The Sea of Monsters 80.2
The Last Olympian 79.9
Magyk 78.8
People of the Sparks 78.6
The Son of Neptune 69.9

-These are not grades.  These numbers are the average percent.  Students rated their interest after the presentation and I compiled their scores in an Excel chart.  

The spreadsheet below shows which books each student is most interested in reading next.  Click on the picture for a larger version.