Thursday, August 28, 2014

Establishing my expectations

Though provoking
Students should be thinking about a book they can use for class reading time.  Section 1 will be reading the book outside of class as well.  (I would like sections 2 and 3 to read outside of class as well, but I need to decide on the best system for tracking their progress.)

Writing Diagnostic
Students started the State writing diagnostic.  Many will need to finish next week.  I will be submitting the scores but also using the results to help me determine remedial groupings.

I introduced the students to the wireless responder system I use in class.  They look like remotes.  I use them for tests and live results.  For example, when a student submits the answers to a test, he gets the score back immediately.  I can then see how the class did question by question so I can see where they had trouble.  They can also be used to poll the class using oral questions.

Since I had discussed my expectations for two days, I figured students would get a perfect on the "quiz" below.  Most did.  I think a few had some trouble using the responders.  Like I said, today was practice.

Mr. Bosler’s Classroom Rules Quiz
  1. You are allowed to participate
  2. You are allowed to answer questions
  3. You are allowed to abuse privileges (hall passes, etc.)
  4. You are allowed to call out
  5. You are allowed to be prepared (pencils, paper, etc.)
  6. You are allowed to helpful
  7. You are allowed to make insulting remarks
  8. You are allowed to completed homework
  9. You are allowed to not be prepared for class
  10. You are allowed to be seated and ready to go on time
  11. You are allowed to be out of seat without permission
  12. You are allowed to be on task and focused during work time
  13. You are allowed to work collaboratively in groups
  14. You are allowed to be off task
  15. You are allowed to Sleep
  16. You are allowed to demonstrate a positive and supportive attitude
(I also realize the wording is weird, but they get the idea.)