Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sections 2 & 3: the online homework does not seem to be working

Thanks for trying. :) Ar least you read the story. I can't wait to explore it deeper tomorrow.

The grades for first marking period are almost done.

The only grades remaining are this week's Achieve.  By the end of the week, students should have completed six articles.  We will have the computers on Friday, so there should be no excuses.

Today's Red Chief scores are on HAC.
As I look over the grades, I am satisfied with the designation of the assignments.  I feel they are balanced fairly between formative and summative.  I also weighted some assignments more than others.  Now that I have one marking period under my belt with the new system, I will be better able to determine future assignments.

Sections 2 & 3 have been asked to read The Tell Tale Heart using their online books. (See below.)
Sections 2 & 3 are also to do the online activity that I assigned to the class.  I am trying out the Holt site and want to see what it can do.

Section 1 did not do very well on the Red Chief test today, so we ended up using the class time to do the test over using their books.  I will take the average of the two grades.

Tonight's Holt homework
In the book, go to Unit 1 on the left and then choose Tell Tale Heart on the right.
Use the accessible pages on the left column for the pdf.

The activity can be found by clicking the Assignments link in blue from the first page after you log in.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

November Assignments for your calendars

These assignments are also on the calendar on

November Assignments:
Sections 2 & 3
Nov. 4: HWK Pictionaries and Choosing Unit 4
Nov. 5: HWK Synonyms Unit 4
Nov. 6: HWK Completing the Sentence Unit 4
Nov. 7: HWK Study for Quiz Unit 4
Nov. 8: QUIZ Unit 4

Nov. 11: No School
Nov. 12: HWK Pictionaries and Choosing Unit 5
Nov. 13: HWK Synonyms Unit 5
Nov. 14: HWK Completing the Sentence Unit 5
Nov. 15: QUIZ "Lemon Brown"

Nov. 18: HWK Study for quiz Unit 5
Nov. 19: QUIZ Unit 5
Nov. 20: Washington D.C. Trip

Nov. 25: QUIZ "Rules of the Game"
Nov. 27: Thanksgiving Break starts

November Assignments:
Section 1
Nov. 4: Work on Narrative
Nov. 5: Work on Narrative
Nov. 6: Work on Narrative
Nov. 7: Work on Narrative
Nov. 8: DUE Narrative

Nov. 11: No School
Nov. 12: HWK Choosing Unit 4
Nov. 13: HWK Synonyms Unit 4
Nov. 14: HWK Completing the Sentence Unit 4
Nov. 15: QUIZ "Lemon Brown" + QUIZ Unit 5

Nov. 18: HWK Pictionaries and Choosing Unit 5
Nov. 19: HWK Synonyms and Completing the Sentence Unit 5
Nov. 20: Washington D.C. Trip
Nov. 21: HWK Study for Unit 5 quiz
Nov. 22: QUIZ Unit 5

Nov. 25: QUIZ "Rules of the Game"
Nov. 27: Thanksgiving Break starts

Monday, October 28, 2013

Two tests on Wednesday

We watched a video version of Red Chief today for half of the class and did Achieve.

All classes have two Achieve articles due by the end of the day Friday.
All classes will be taking tests on The Ransom of Red Chief on Wednesday:
     1. 45 question comprehension
     2. 24 question vocabulary

Use the following resources to study.
1. Reread the story.
2. Be sure you know the items below.
3. Study the vocab words using Quizlet.

Why they chose the town
Examples of dramatic irony
Author's purpose
The eight words to know
Examples of situational irony
Physical descriptions of each character
How much they asked for
Settings of scene
Names of characters
Age of Red Chief
How much they wanted at first
How much they got
The unexpected problems with Red Chief
Examples of verbal irony
Purpose of using large vocabulary
Explain the title
How the conflict is resolved
What is the theme of the story

Friday, October 25, 2013

Grades are updated in HAC and Achieve Letter

I sent home a letter regarding Achieve.  Please remember that the students are expected to do two articles a week, regardless of how many times we get the laptops.

Also, the Achieve grade on HAC will change each week.  I am not creating a column for each week.  If they did not do the four articles that we due Friday, they should be sure to have the six that are due by next Friday.  If they do, then they will be back to a 100%.

Section 1 spent the class finishing a timed writing.  We spent two weeks learning about author's craft, and today it was time to show what they had learned.  I will score these soon.  The grade will be based on the demonstration of their knowledge, not so much on grammar.  I gave them an outline.

Sections 2 and 3 gave their presentations.  So many of them were outstanding!  From what I saw, these classes understand author's craft in Red Chief: word choice, sentence structure, and use of irony.  Most gave a mature analysis of the version in the Adapted Reader.  I am so proud of both of the classes!

Next week I will give the comprehension test and the vocab test for Red Chief.

We will also watch the movie versions of the story.

October 25, 2013

Dear Parents,
            As you may know, the school has purchased access to a program called Achieve3000 for each student.  The purpose of the program is to give students practice with reading informational articles.  In the past, we have seen an increase in DCAS scores which, we believe, correlates to extensive use of this program.
            Access to computers is adequate at school, but there are weeks when I can only use the computers one day.  However, I know that many students have access to the internet at home.  For this reason, I am requiring the students to do two Achieve articles per week. 
            I realize that not all students have access to the internet at home.  If your child cannot do the program at home, I understand, and I will adjust the requirements accordingly. 

Please sign and return this slip acknowledging that you understand that your child is expected to complete two Achieve articles per week.  Also, understand that the scores on the activities do count for a grade; however, twenty-five points are added to the activity score because Achieve is a tool; perfection is not expected- growth is.  Students are encouraged to take their time and do their best.


                                                Mr. Bosler

Student’s Name  ___________________________

Section _____

Parent’s Signature _____________________________

________  Check here if there is no way your child can get access to a computer two times per week for a total of about one hour.  (There are weeks when I cannot give students two days in class. Sometimes students are absent on the computer day).

If you have any questions or concerns, please write them here.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The students did really well on the 1-3 review quiz.

Granted, the test was only multiple choice, but it did have all sixty words.  And really, what more do we need when we know a word?  Recall.  Do they basically know the word?  Later, as they use the words more, the words will become a part of their lexicon.

  • Sections 2 & 3 will have one more day to work on their presentations.  The students will present on Friday.
  • Section 1 has an essay they are writing.  I will be giving them time tomorrow to work.  I am hoping they can be done writing it by the end of the day Friday.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I am working them hard!

  • All classes have a review quiz on ALL the words from units 1-3.  I highly recommend using Quizlet to study for the test.  I want to see how well they know all the words.  The test will count the same as the other unit tests.
  • All classes are examining the two versions of Ransom of Red Chief.  Here are links to the .pdfs if they need them:

Sections 1 and 2 had 25 minutes to do Achieve.  Section 3 was assigned the two Achieve assignments as homework due by Friday.   

All students should have completed 2 Achieve articles by Friday.

Sections 2 & 3 will have time to work on their presentations tomorrow.  I am hoping to have some groups present on Thursday and others on Friday.

Section 1 will get some time to brainstorm for their pieces tomorrow.  I am aiming for Friday to have the comparison pieces done. I would like to get a few students to debate which version is better.  We'll see.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sections 2 & 3 Work for this Week

  • Page 43 in vocab tonight
  • Two Achieve articles by the end of the week
  • Quiz on units 1-3 Wednesday
  • Group presentation probably Thursday

Comparison of the two versions of The Ransom of Red Chief

Power Point Presentation
On a separate sheet of paper, brainstorm which version of the story you like better and why.  Jot down specific examples from the text, including specific examples of word choice, sentence structure, and uses of irony. 

Be prepared to discuss these with a group.  Your group should organize a presentation for the class using Power Point.  Ideally, a different person should create the Power Point if possible.

Your presentation will be scored on
Use of a reasonable amount of specific examples
Quality of the presentation to the class
Use of visuals for clarity
Participation of all members in the creation

I also required there be three charts using DATA.  Hey, in this data crazed age, why not show that one version of the story is clearly better than the other by using some form of numerical data?  (I am not giving them any ideas for these numbers.)

Below is an outline I am using for a written piece in another class.  Maybe it will give ideas on what to discuss in the presentation.

Comparison Paragraph on Author’s Craft

Topic Sentence: After reading both the Adaptive Reader and the original version of The Ransom of Red Chief, I have decided that I like the ___________ version better.

Sentence to introduce topic of word choice.
·      Explain why word choice matters.
·      Explain the word choice in the Adaptive version by giving specific examples.
·      Transition
·      Now compare that version to the original.
·      Why do you like one over the other? Give examples from the original. Use transitions between examples.
Transition word to move between word choice and sentence structure.
·      Explain why sentence structure matters.
·      Explain the word choice in the Adaptive version by giving specific examples.
·      Transition
·      Now compare that version to the original.
·      Why do you like one over the other? Give examples from the original. Use transitions between examples.
Transition word to move between sentence structure and use of irony.
·      Explain how irony was used and why matters.
·      Explain the word choice in the Adaptive version by giving specific examples.
·      Transition
·      Now compare that version to the original.
·      Why do you like one over the other? Give examples from the original. Use transitions between examples.
Conclusion sentence: After reading both the Adaptive Reader and the original version of The Ransom of Red Chief, I have decided that I like the ___________ version better. One sentence summary of word choice, sentence structure, and use of irony.

To get an A, this will be essay length: five paragraphs graded on content.
To get a B, this can be an essay or a detailed paragraph.
To get a C, you must have many examples and details. 
No one gets a D.

Grammar helps.  A few errors will be OK.  I will focus on how much you have to say.

Section 1 Work for this Week

Section 1 homework for the week:
  • Two Achieve articles by the end of the week
  • Quiz Units 1-3 Wednesday
  • Comparison piece due by end of the week

Students are reading the real version of The Ransom of Red Chief.  
       This is the brainstorming sheet they should be filling out.
       I will be giving them a copy of the story that they can write on Tuesday.

The outline for the written piece is below.  Scroll down.

Ransom of Red Chief Author’s Craft Study

1. Word Choice/Vocabulary
Vocabulary of the writer
Is it the same in all pieces by author?
Vocabulary of a character
Why would the writer have a character with large vocabulary?
2. Sentence Structure/Variety
Simple= SV, SSV, SVV  - Basically, just a simple sentence.
            I went to the mall.
Compound= SV, and SV (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)  - two sentences joined
            I went to the mall, and I came home.
Complex= SV SCSV, CCSV, SV
            I went to the mall because I needed clothes.
            Because I needed clothes, I went to the mall.
            When I went to the mall, I could not find what I needed, so I came home.
                SC  S    V                     S                V                            CC S V

3. Use of irony
How is irony used in the story to create humor?
List all the examples of irony in the story.

(I found 16 in the Adaptive Reader.)

Vocabulary words  (There are actually 24 words)
1.     __________________  -
2.     __________________  -
3.     __________________  -
4.     __________________  -
5.     __________________  -
6.     __________________  -
7.     __________________  -
8.     __________________  -
9.     __________________  -
10.  __________________  -
11.  __________________  -
12.  __________________  -
13.  __________________  -
14.  __________________  -
15.  __________________  -
16.  __________________  -

As you read, notice differences between the two versions, start making note of them.

Power Point Presentation
On a separate sheet of paper, brainstorm which version of the story you like better and why.  Jot down specific examples from the text, including specific examples of word choice, sentence structure, and uses of irony. 

Be prepared to discuss these with a group.  Your group should organize a presentation for the class using Power Point.  Ideally, a different person should create the Power Point if possible.

Your presentation will be scored on
Use of a reasonable amount of specific examples
Quality of the presentation to the class
Use of visuals for clarity
Participation of all members in the creation

Maybe you want to set up a plan before you start to read the story.

Comparison Paragraph on Author’s Craft

Topic Sentence: After reading both the Adaptive Reader and the original version of The Ransom of Red Chief, I have decided that I like the ___________ version better.

Sentence to introduce topic of word choice.
·      Explain why word choice matters.
·      Explain the word choice in the Adaptive version by giving specific examples.
·      Transition
·      Now compare that version to the original.
·      Why do you like one over the other? Give examples from the original. Use transitions between examples.
Transition word to move between word choice and sentence structure.
·      Explain why sentence structure matters.
·      Explain the word choice in the Adaptive version by giving specific examples.
·      Transition
·      Now compare that version to the original.
·      Why do you like one over the other? Give examples from the original. Use transitions between examples.
Transition word to move between sentence structure and use of irony.
·      Explain how irony was used and why matters.
·      Explain the word choice in the Adaptive version by giving specific examples.
·      Transition
·      Now compare that version to the original.
·      Why do you like one over the other? Give examples from the original. Use transitions between examples.
Conclusion sentence: After reading both the Adaptive Reader and the original version of The Ransom of Red Chief, I have decided that I like the ___________ version better. One sentence summary of word choice, sentence structure, and use of irony.

To get an A, this will be essay length: five paragraphs graded on content.
To get a B, this can be an essay or a detailed paragraph.
To get a C, you must have many examples and details. 
No one gets a D.

Grammar helps.  A few errors will be OK.  I will focus on how much you have to say.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The plan as of now is to do Achieve3000 regularly: 2 articles per week required.

(Sorry this is so long.  There are grades updated on HAC.  I have a few make-up pieces to get in.)

H.B. has been using Achieve for years now.  We believe that regular practice with informative articles helps students do better on the DCAS.  Likewise, with the implementation of the Common Core Standards, students are expected to spend more time studying informative pieces. 

Please know that I understand that Achieve is a tool.  Giving grades for Achieve has been a hot topic over the years.  However, not all students are excited to use the tool just to improve their DCAS scores.  There needs to be a little incentive.  In school, we use grades.  I understand that the scores students receive on the activities are not grades but feedback; therefore, it is unfair to give them those scores as grades.

If you look below, here is what I am going to try.  I will be adding two grades to the formative part of the student's grades. 
  • The first is a grade for meeting the weekly goal of two activities.  These can/should be done at home. Whether we get to the lab in school or not, I expect the students to do two per week. These must be valid activity scores.
  • The second grade is the average of the activity scores + 25 points.  The reason I am giving 25 extra points is because this is a tool.  Therefore, a student who has a 75% as the average will get a 100% on HAC.  Likewise, a student who is struggling and getting 50% on activities will get 75% on HAC.  
  • The grades will be changed every week.  I am not adding a new assignment to HAC each week.

My goal is to see Achieve counting for about 5-8% of the total grade.  (I want vocab is to be around 10-15% of the total grade.) I will adjust the grades before the end of the marking period.

I always want to do what is best for the students.  Each year, I am faced with many changes.  This year I am teaching the Common Core Standards and using a new grading scale.  Achieve is more valuable because of Common Core, yet the technology to use it is not always available.  I am also in between text books.  Not excuses- just the truth.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. 

Below is just a sample of scores.  I will not give a 107%.  That student will receive a 100%.

Invalid Activities Met 40 Activity Goal (Year to Date) activities (Year to Date) activities (Average % Score) Met this week's goal (2) Grade for goal What I put in the book Activity AVG
0 N 2 82 2 100 100 107
0 N 1 50 1 50 75 75
0 N 3 79 3 150 100 104
0 N 1 75 1 50 75 100

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The 2013-2014 H.B. Sports Galleries are up!

Do you have a child who plays sports for H.B.?  Throughout the school year, I will be taking pictures and posting them on my website for you and your child to download.  They are also linked to our school's web page so we can show off our awesome athletes!  Check them out.

H.B. Sports Galleries

Persuasive Writing Project: All sections

This unit is expected to take about three weeks.  I do not have definite due dates yet, but I do have a plan.

Ransom of Red Chief Persuasive Letter
Holt Online Essay Scoring Program

Writing Topic
Your principal wants to invite a celebrity speaker to your school. Think about the celebrity you would choose to have speak; then, write a letter to persuade your principal to invite this person. Be sure to include convincing reasons and details to support your choice.

·      For this essay, the celebrity is going to be O’Henry, the writer of the story “Ransom of Red Chief.” ( Yes, I know he is dead, so I do not want you to say he would be pretty quiet!  Use your imagination!)
·      I will be teaching you claims, opposing claims, and using credible sources.
·      I will teach you how to organize your reasons and evidence logically.

Specific focus:
Examine the writing skills of O’Henry as we read “Ransom of Red Chief.” (We have already focused on how the author’s choice of setting, plot, and characters impact the theme of a story when we read “Raymond’s Run.”)
·      For this piece, focus on the O’Henry’s word choice (vocabulary) and his use of irony. 
·      What effect does his choice of words have on the story?
·      Does he use large vocabulary in all his stories? If not, why was it used in this one?
·      There are many examples of irony in this story.  Do they make the story more enjoyable?

Steps we will take:
Read the Adapted Reader version of “Ransom of Red Chief.”
Understand the basic setting, characters, and plot.
Be sure you can answer the questions throughout the story.
Read the real version of the story in the green literature book or your online Holt.
Explore vocabulary
Make a list of ALL the words that jump out at you.
What is your guess at the word BEFORE you look at the definition?
Explore irony
List examples as you go.
Explain how the ending is ironic.
Based on how O’Henry writes in this story, predict how the students of H.B. would react to him as a celebrity speaker.

Extra Steps you could take:
Research O’Henry a little.
Read some of his other story stories.

Final Product
Submit the piece as many times as you want on the Holt Online Essay Program.
Print a version of your letter and hand in.
Times New Roman size 12
Use correct letter format (I will teach).