Friday, February 01, 2013

We start our next unit on Tuesday

I will be out for jury duty on Monday.  On Tuesday we will start reading "The Bet."  The short story will set the stage for a long unit on persuasion.  More details will follow, but I have taught persuasion for years.  If your child had me last year, you should remember the ant debates.  I don't know exactly what I will change this year, but I have some creative ideas swirling around in my head.

We had fun filming the ads this week.  I cannot post them because they are, well, too embarrassing for the general public to see.  But we are watching them in class and getting a good laugh.  It is interesting to see how weak their arguments are for getting the procedure done.  If this is a pretest for persuasion, they need some guidance.  I usually have them make their ads AFTER we study persuasion.  We will revisit the ads later.

Have a nice weekend.