Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Block Scheduling: All Ad Grades are in HAC

Please check the HAC for updated grades.

Sections 4 and HB will have vocab quiz tomorrow.

Today we continued to work on grammar, vocab, and the next writing piece.  

I forget if I posted the next writing topics.  Students can do one of four options.

"Through an autobiography and/or fictional works, a reader can learn about the author's feelings." an account of a person's life written by that person: he gives a vivid description of his childhood in his autobiography.

1.   This is how I want you to remember me.
2.   This is who I am.
3.   Write a fiction story about… (Your story might have a character who is your alter ego.)

"The human spirit is challenged by internal and external challenges."

1.   Write a narrative about a moment in your life about when you were challenged by internal or external challenges.

         You will plan a photograph that will illustrate your piece.
         We will shoot the picture in class.