Sections 4 and 5 are to purchase vocabulary books. I sent home a letter. The book is $10.
The other classes will not be using the vocabulary book as of now. I might reconsider at a later date.
We started the class off with some journal time. We answered a question and began accumulating the required 700 written words a week. In one class, the kids counted their words. Most wrote only around 70 words in 8 minutes. I will explain this weekly assignment more as the marking period progresses.
Next we copied the Barney rules that I have posted in my room. Then we watched an episode of Barney. I want my students to be as close to a Barney classroom as possible. The class will not be perfect, but we can try. Here are the rules:
Be caring.
Be fair.
Be honest.
Be responsible.
Respect the rules.
Cooperate with others.
Share with others.
Respect people’s differences.
Be helpful.
Respect the feelings of others.
Do what Barney would think is best.