Monday, January 03, 2011

Break is over! Work? I have homework already?


Monday night: Pictionaries 1-20 unit 5 and make a chart dividing the words into nouns, verbs, adjectives
Tuesday night: Choosing the Right Word unit 5
Wednesday night: Completing the Sentence unit 5
Thursday night: Finish the unit and study for the Quiz
Friday: Quiz on unit 5

We will do the same next week.  I told the students that we will spend two weeks just doing vocab and punctuation practice.  We need to catch up on the vocab.  We are about two units behind where I usually am by this time of the year.

Today we did the diagnostic for punctuation.  All students need to review or learn these punctuation rules!  I am sure after the unit is done, their scores will be a little better! (A few questions were a little nit picky, though.)