Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Diary of Anne Frank Unit: Important information

Due Dates for this week:
Monday night: Pictionaries and Choosing unit 10
Tuesday night: Synonyms unit 10
Wednesday night: Completing the Sentence unit 10
Thursday: Study for quiz
Friday: Quiz on Unit 10

I have graded the argument essays for section 1. The grades are on HAC.  The other two sections will take me at least a week.  From what I have seen in the rough drafts, I am excited to read these papers!  It just takes time.

The Diary of Anne Frank
(I do not have due dates.  We are listening/reading the play in class.  I am aiming for about three weeks. We are also doing vocab and DCAS prep.)

We have started a unit on drama.  We will be reading the play The Diary of Anne Frank. I have put a pdf copy of the play on my site.  (The students do have access through the online book we have.  I thought putting the pdf up would be easier.)

Grade: The students have a detailed question sheet that they must fill out.  You can download it here.

Grade: The students will be answering one of the three questions at the end of the question sheet and writing about 500 words.  

.    Understand Conflicts A conflict in literature 
is a struggle between two opposing forces.
An external conflict is a struggle between
a character and society, another character,
or a force of nature. An internal conflict is
a struggle within a character’s mind. In a chart like the one shown, include the external and internal conflicts you notice so far in the play. Circle the one or two conflicts you think are the main ones.
.    Analyze Theme “Good triumphs over evil” has been a common theme 
in literature. A similar message is a major theme in this play: people are basically good at heart. Which characters help to develop that theme? Which characters, circumstances, or events appear to contradict it?
.    Analyze a Drama Review the chart in which you’ve been noting information about Anne and the Nazi occupation. Based on what you’ve learned through dialogue and stage directions, describe Anne’s personality. What effect has the Nazi occupation had on her family’s life?

Grade: The students will be writing a script, making a storyboard, and performing something that demonstrates their understanding of the play.  I have listed three ideas below.  Students can give me some other ideas.  I am allowing them to pick their own groups unless it becomes a problem.

1.Rewrite the scene where Mr. Dussel is introduced to the families, but this time the students will have a character from a movie that needs to go into hiding.  For example, Ariel from The Little Mermaid.  They will not make a mockery of the circumstances the Jews faced.  I will be focusing on characterization throughout the play.
2.Create a scene that is not in the play.  Since we get to know the characters well, we should be able to think of an event and speculate how the characters would react.
3.Create a TV ad to convince people to visit the Annex.  Again, the purpose is to demonstrate an understanding of the play.