Thursday, March 06, 2014

Important: Essay is due tomorrow. Requirements listed!

Due Tomorrow
  • Units 1-9 Review Quiz
  • Rough draft of the essay in my hand.
  • Final draft of the essay e-mailed to me by midnight Friday. I am going to try to score the essays using color coding. (Students can still hand in the regular way as well.)

Completion grade will be worth 100 points (see list below)
I will score the essay from rubric: 100 points (in a prior blog post)

Let's say a student does everything as listed below and scores the lowest score I would give on the essay. (Unless I know he/she really did not put in the effort I believe possible.)

  The grade for this assignment would be  (100 + 70)/2 = 85

1) Rough draft handed in
2) The paper has an introduction with a hook, background,
3) The paper has an introduction thesis/claim, and 1, 2, 3
4) The body explains their claim
5) The body addresses the counterclaim
6) The paper ends with a conclusion (no new info in conclusion)
7) "The Bet" is mentioned by name
8) The National Geographic documentary on solitary is mention by name
9) The NPR packet is mentioned by name
10) No major/distracting grammar errors

(2-4 Extra Credit points): used extra sources and listed in a bibliography (use for your extras)