Friday, December 06, 2013

Wizcabulary iTunes Contest Updates

As I have time, I will update this Google document.  I received 54 e-mails so far this afternoon. 

Maybe you should wear your magical hats you made in math class! (This is why I love middle school!)

The goal is 100.  When that is reached, we will wait for the next 100 trophy winner.

I will not send blog updates all weekend.  See the link above for updates.  I know you don't need me to blow up your e-mail.

Section Initials Trophies
3 SG 25
3 SK 17
3 RL 14
3 EH 12
3 JK 11
3 ER 9
2 IC 6
3 MV 6
3 VV 4
3 TW 3
2 KM 2
2 LM 2
2 YX 2
2 CA 1
3 RA 1
3 EB 1
2 NB 1
3 AM 1
2 KN 1
3 NS 1
2 YS 1
3 EW 1
2 AYE 1
2 AYO 1
2 JZ 1