Monday, December 02, 2013

Flowers for Algernon Project and Resources

All sections have pictionaries for unit 6.

Flowers for Algernon
Today we started a three-week project.  I have put some resources online because students MUST work on this project at home.

I was hoping students could use their online books, but apparently, they cannot.  :(  Therefore, I found a text version online and made it a pdf.  Please download and read using Adobe Reader or whatever you use.  I assume it is close enough to the version we use. 

I also posted the packet that I gave the students.  As I explained in class, the packet is to be used as brainstorming for the essay.  The essay topics can be found on the first page. 

Calendar for December
I updated the calendar on my website.  All due dates have been reviewed with the students today.

Poe Essay (Sections 2 & 3)
I reviewed an example of a paper that "exceeds."  If you are interested, you can read it.  See below. See the other day's post about how I scored the papers.