Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One Day at a Time

Sections 2 and 3 should have their ROUGH draft for tomorrow.  We did not get to them today.
Section 1 has no homework.

Busy Busy
Things have been a little crazy with the schedule for my classes.  We were supposed to do DCAS testing this week, but there was a mistake with my training, so the testing is postponed until sixth grade is finished in a few weeks.

I also have to get the Achieve Level Set test completed ASAP as part of my Component V for teacher evaluation, so I used today's class time to make sure all students were done.  We did an Achieve article and experimented with a new graphic organizer.

Tomorrow, students are choosing their activity periods, which will require a good amount of time out of Section 1.

Basically, I am plowing ahead trying to get into a rhythm.  We are doing lots of good stuff, though. Grades will be coming soon.