Monday, September 16, 2013

Both classes have started Vocabulary Workshop!

  • Sections 2 and 3 should make pictures of each of the twenty vocabulary words for unit 1.  They should also do the Choosing the Right Word for unit 1.  I will check the Choosing on the responders tomorrow, so they should be correct.
  • Section 1 should make pictures of the twenty vocabulary words from unit 1.  Many of the students did not bring in money for the consumables, as found on the supplies list.  Therefore, those students MUST write all answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Extra practice for Unit 1 can be found on this Quizlet page.  (I will gather other links soon.)

  • Sections 1 and 2 reviewed the rubric I used to score their critical analysis pieces on "The Elevator."  The scores are on HAC. The rubric I used most is page one found on this link.  I am also going to have the students look at the rubric on page three as well. The rubrics are used in AP ELA in high school.  The wording is heavy, but I like the way the levels are differentiated.
  • I introduced Sections 1 and 2 to the words in unit 1.  Then I gave them time to start the pictures in class.
  • Section 1 started the day with a test on the literary terms.  They did not do as well as I would have liked, so I am going to have them take an alternative test tomorrow.  I am curious if they knew the words but the test was confusing.  
  • The test took Section 1 some time to do.  I gave them a writing assignment, but we did not get much time to start it.  I will officially assign it Tuesday and give them time to write.  They must be able to analyze a piece of literature.