Monday, November 19, 2012

You are done for the week when you have completed the following:

You are done for the week when you have completed the following:
1.     Completed at your Achieve requirements for Monday
a.     E-mail with perfect grammar
b.     Answer questions with over 75%
c.     Write a few sentences for the thought question
2.     Submitted your final draft of your Red Chief essay
a.     Outlines:
b.     I will post the submission link tomorrow
c.     You should have someone help you proofread
d.     Section 1: 600-800 words
e.     Sections 3 & 4: 500 – 600+ words
f.      Multiple paragraphs
3.     Pages 66, 67, and 68 in the vocab book
a.     68 on responder Tuesday
4.     Checked HAC and turned in all your make-up work
5.     Have a plan for completing your AR requirements for 2nd MP
a.     First test due by December 14