The Thursday before the storm, I left school early to go to the dentist. That Friday, I got a root canal. Then Sandy hit. Those two days back were stressful because the marking period was ending and AR was not finished. I was out Monday (yesterday) because my daughter's nose was broken and we needed to see a specialist.
In short, the grades are entered for the first marking period. We are working our way through "The Ransom of Red Chief." I have a plan for the writing piece which will be another response to literature. However, we will be watching two movie versions of the story as a compare-contrast to the written.
The Accelerated Reader program was not perfect the first marking period, but I made every attempt to be fair to the students. Now that I understand how the program works, I am going to step back and see how I will use it for the second marking period.
Achieve 3000 is up and running. We are required to get the students on the program twice a week. That is not a problem with block scheduling. Again, I am new to the program, so I am figuring out how to best use it to help the students. Right now, I am attempting to read their three sentence e-mails they are required to write for each session. We are not allowed to use the Achieve scores for grades, but I can score their writing. I have established the following rubric for earning points. I do not think that asking for three perfect sentences is too much. The students will get points for writing the e-mail even if they do not get the full five points. As of now, these grades will be used in a general way of C, B, A. And, like I said, I am trying something out with the goal of helping the students use correct grammar. The grade is not my real focus.
Achieve Grade: Use perfect grammar in communications with
your teacher!
(Use Word to double check.
Use a friend to proofread.)
0 points- Two
or more grammar errors: Spelling, apostrophes
send it back to you. You can fix. I hope I get back to it! (This might be impossible.)
5 points - One
error is not fine, but you should have caught them using Word.
Must be three sentences long and
make sense.
Statement, support, support
10 points- None
or one error.
three sentences and well supported.
showed me that you really thought about your choice.
in things that you know about the topic.
Remember, the points I give you go towards your Achieve
points! I don’t know enough to say where
you should be, but getting points is good!