Monday, September 24, 2012

Background knowledge for Stop the Sun by Gary Paulsen

Students must take an AR test by October 4th.  
They should be reading at home as well.

I am trying to establish a reading routine in class.  We will read 15-20 minutes each day.
I am trying to get them to the library to take tests, but our librarian has a crazy schedule this year.  I will work it out.

The main goal of today was to establish background knowledge for Stop the Sun by Gary Paulsen. 
We did the activity below to see what they know.
Then we watched two clips from a History Channel video that talked about attrition.  
By the end of the period, the students had an idea of the war.  They will need this for the father in the story.

Brainstorm the Vietnam War
1.    For two minutes, write down whatever you know about the Vietnam War.
2.    Share with your group and compile a group background knowledge.
3.    One person share with the class.

Building visual background knowledge: Attrition

“Readers nee to use mental pictures from television, books, movies, and their own experiences to create pictures that the author expects the reader to create while reading.”

We start with a rough image, and the text makes us modify it with other details.

·      As you watch the video today, jot down some descriptions of what you see.
·      Describe the soldiers, the fighting, the scenery, and other things that jump out at you. 
·      As we read the story, I want you to pay attention to how you brought in what you know and modified it based on the details from the story.

 Here are some of the things the groups brainstormed about the Vietnam War:

South vs North
No purpose
Lots dies 58,000 Americans
Forrest Gump
Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Hard war
Guerrilla warfare
18 draft
wasn’t our war helped
didn’t win
c rations
tracker dogs –Cracker
Special forces
AK 47, M16
Important war
Uncle involved
Still POW’s
DC memorial