Thursday, April 07, 2011

Media Literacy Paragraph is due Friday

The media literacy paragraph is due Friday.  We were in the writing lab today.  Many students were able to finish the piece, print it, and hand it in.  The problem for some students is they did not bring in a rough draft as I instructed.

(Section 6 is just beginning this piece in class.  We will be in the lab Friday.  We will start unit 12 in the vocab book next week.)

We also read two sample paragraphs.  Each one had something not quite right.  The purpose of the paragraph is to explain how they have personally observed the lessons in their own lives.  The first one is very personal, but it needs more explanation.  The second one is well written, but it is not very personal.  I told the students to think of this like a test.  Prove to me that you have learned the lessons I have taught.  Don't just repeat back what I have listed on the assignment sheet.

Sample 1
Sample 2