Friday, March 18, 2011

All media messages are constructed.

None, but this coming week should be busy.
Unit 10 Quiz is on HAC.

Today we had quite a lesson.  I had the students explore why we buy one product over another.  We think that we use logic to make our decisions.  To certain extent, we do.  One product offers a better quality or price or contains something we want.  However, there are techniques that advertisers use that do not appeal to logic.  They appeal to our emotions. They convince us through artificial means of persuasion: hype, fear, repetition, to name some.

The other topic we explored was how a media message is created. There are a few videos we watched from YouTube.  We watched the video for Gwen Stefani's perfume.  We watched the ad, but then we watched the behind the scenes to show how much effort goes into creating the 30 second commercial.   (It was the best I could find in the time I had.  I made sure to keep the discussion appropriate.  I had Dr. Carmack's approval to use the ad.)  We also watched a Pantene video that shows the behind the scenes.  Even though the hair styles looked natural and easy, the video showed us otherwise!

(I wish I had the links, but I cannot access YouTube from school.  I downloaded the videos from home. I think I have the links, but I can't test them.  Better safe than sorry.)