Sunday, February 14, 2016

GRADES ARE UPDATED ON HAC (They are not good!)

I suggest students take the extra day off to work on their Google Classroom assignments! 
If students need the online book, it is here.  Use your lunch ID for user/password.

Students should have written the following: 
  • Sheet 01 Frederick Douglas- do all but I will score question #3
  • Sheet 02 Frederick Douglas- do all but I will score question #3
  • Sheet 03 Frederick Douglas- do all but I will score question #1
  • Sheet 04 My Friend Douglass- SECTION 1 ONLY

Over the past weeks, we have been focusing on how to write a properly constructed response.  Students were expected to use the rubric below to structure their response to a question.  Not only does the response need the proper format; ultimately, the response should demonstrate that the student fully understood the section they were to discuss.

Mrs. Jamison and I have spent HOURS scoring and making suggestions on these.  We fully expect students to revise IF THEY SCORED 70% OR BELOW.

Too many students have not even written the response! 
(I feel like I have been leading horses to water.)

1.     First line indent and all other lines at left margin-  
2.     Restate prompt correctly- State your claim (What you will prove)
3.     Example One cite relevant evidence -
4.     Clarify example one with sentences relevant to evidence and claim-
5.     Example Two cite relevant evidence -
6.     Clarify example two with sentences relevant to evidence and claim-
7.     Conclusion sentence which restates what you proved.-
8.     Grammar- All sentences cap/end punctuation-

Thursday, February 11, 2016

SECTION 1: Revisions on Constructed Repsonses

At this point, I have scored the four sheets you were to have done.  Please go onto Google Classroom and review your scores.  IF you have a 70% or below, you may rewrite.  I have put lots of feedback on sheets 1, 2, and 3.  Sheet 4 looked good... for those who did it!

If you want me to regrade your paragraph, please type REVISED in the Private Comments part of each assignment. (See picture below.)

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

We are now using Google Classroom in Mr. Bosler's ELA classes!

It's been a while since I have posted to my blog.  The main reasons is everything you would need to know is on under Today in Class.

I want to use this post to briefly explain the basics of Google Classroom.  The students at H.B. have been given Schoology and Google accounts.  Google Classroom is the portal for students to complete their independent work in my class. (FYI- gmail is not turned on by default.)

When students logon, they see a screens like these below.  They can see the work that is due as well as the due date.  They can also see the scores they recieved from the teacher and icons to show that the teacher has made comments.

 But Google Classroom is more than just an electronic book for collecting work and grading.  In the last picture, you see what I see, which is who is done.  Google is the BEST platform for collaboration. At any time, I can pop in on students to see how their work is going.  I can make suggestions.  I can provide comments.  I can even turn a paper back for them to fix and resubmit!  Google provides a way for me to give one-on-one feedback on their writing, not just when I grade it, but as they write.

I am learning how to do this ON MY OWN.  I have had training on Schoology, by I prefer Google. There will be many MORE adjustments as we go.

HOWEVER, the dates on the assignments should be enough time for students who sit down and really do their work.  If students want more time, they should work on this at home.  Each student has an online book at  Their username and password are their lunch numbers... roughly.

If you have questions, please e-mail me.  My school Google email is bradford.bosler   @ (broken up because this is public).