Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How is your summer reading going?

So far I have read The Great Hunger: Ireland: 1845-1849, a 350 page book about the potato famine in Ireland.  I started the book out of curiosity and got hooked.  It was such a tragedy!

I read over 300 pages of the AP textbook used in high school classes.  There are so many great short stories.  If you ever get a chance, read The Yellow Wallpaper.  

I read all the literature for two of the four units I will be teaching next year from our new literature book.  I really like the way the book is arranged.  Plus, each unit has lots of opportunities for writing!

Finally, I just bought four books that I want to read this summer.  After listening to the presentations from the independent novel unit, I have decided to read the following books:

As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner.  
The AP book I read describes his style as challenging because he uses stream of consciousness and multiple points of view.  No wonder As I Lay Dying was so challenging for MVH.  She inspired me to accept the challenge as well.

East of Eden by John Steinbeck
The more I read Steinbeck, the more I love his style!  His writing is so visual.  Plus, the stories progress slowly allowing you to savor the characters and the settings.  

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
This year, we read one section of The Joy Luck Club in our literature book: The Rules of the Game.  Then I read another section of the book in the AP book I read earlier this summer.  I loved both stories for their insight into her Chinese culture.  

How is your summer reading coming?  If you want to, shoot me an e-mail and tell me what you are reading.  Hope you are enjoying your summer.
