Monday, May 13, 2013

Upcoming grades and homework

Section 1
The students should have finished The Pit and the Pendulum for tomorrow  They are to summarize each paragraph in the story (short) and write down two words per paragraph that were challenging.  I am using this piece to challenge the class.  We are exploring Poe's sentence structure.  It is complex!

Students should also do vocabulary pages 199, 200, 213, and 214 for tomorrow.

The second AR test is due May 24th.

Sections 3 and 4
We are finishing up the research paper this week.  Students had 1 hour to work in class today, and they will have 1 hour Tuesday.  Then they are on their own.  The piece is due Friday.

Students should do vocabulary pages 145 and 146 for tomorrow.

From Wednesday on, we will be continuing our study of Anne Frank.