Friday, April 12, 2013

The vocabulary grade for the week was entered.

Each week, there are three activities per unit that can be scored using the responders.  This means that I can take a quick grade on their homework effort, and we can check where students might have had problems.  With plenty of time and the book, students should get good scores on those three activities. 

The test on Friday is the fourth activity for vocab that can be scored using the responder.  That means that there are four grades that can easily be averaged to produce a vocab score for the week.

(Section 1 has two units per week.  Yes, they feel lucky!)

Right now I am using the 100 point score, but that will be weighted as the marking period goes on.  I don't think I want 700 points of vocabulary balanced against essays and such.  Maybe I will.  I have to see.  I feel that vocab should count for around 30% of the MP grade.  Essays and projects should make up the majority.

Just know that I am always fair when it comes to grading.  I try to make the grades accurately reflect the students' efforts and performance relative to the importance of the task.