Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The Red Chief essays are graded (section 3 very soon)

We are performing the poems tomorrow! 
The students also owe me something that looks like one of these.

The Red Chief essays are graded

I had to get the Red Chief pieces graded, so I gave them a quick grade.  I read them without making any marks or comments.  Trust me, it is not how I like to grade!  I know students want feedback, but I am pressed for time.  I am also teaching grammar each day now, so I did not scour the essays for errors. 

As I read, I asked myself these questions:
Was it long enough with enough details?
Was it organized with an intro, different paragraphs, and a conclusion?
Did the grammar interfere or distract me from the understanding the piece?

Then I gave it a score based on the model I had in my head of what the paper should have looked like.