Friday, November 12, 2010

PTA Reflections proposal due Monday

Grades are updated in all classes for the 2nd MP.  Please check HAC.  However, sections 3, 4, and 5 are the most accurate because I finished grading the narrative essays for them.  I will get to the other two classes ASAP.

PTA Proposal Due Monday
Here are some things to think about for Monday's proposal. You could also check out the winners from last year here.

PTA Reflections Contest theme: “Together we can…”

1. Make a list of 25 things that can be done together.

2. Pick one of the items from your list.
         Explain what the activity would look like if it were not done together but alone.

3. What is so special about being/doing something together?
        Free think about how you feel about “togetherness.”
       What is togetherness?
       Who needs togetherness?
       Why do we need togetherness?
       Where do you see togetherness?
       When do we need togetherness?

4. What type of art project could you do to demonstrate how you feel about togetherness?
       What could you photograph? What would be in the picture?
       Could you write a poem about a moment?
       How about a poem that paints a picture?
       Can you make something graphic on your computer?

Here is a sample explanation from last year’s theme, “Beauty is…”

"Beauty is not about being young with a perfect complication. It is about you, as an individual and how you treat others... My great grandmother who is 89 truly defines the word beauty. She has lived a very long life, has seen and experienced things we read about in history class. She grew up on a farm with nine brothers and sisters. Since she was one of the oldest she always took care of everything and everyone. As she got older her family became smaller. Her children died of cancer along with her husband. But none of that stopped her. She still always looked after everyone. She would give my Aunts money if they needed, let them stay with her. She also took my mom in when she was just eleven. My Granny was an amazing person. To me she is the most beautiful person, not just by looks, but how she was as an individual." (156 words)  -From the PTA Reflections Photography winners