Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31, 2010

Return blue e-mail and permission slip.
Bring in vocab book money.

We started to explore this essential question: What are the qualities of a classroom where students can learn and a teacher can teach?  I put the students into groups, and they came up with a description of what we would see, what we would hear, and what procedures would be done in an effective classroom.  (Two classes described the opposite- what it would be like in an ineffective classroom.)  Here are a few examples:

o Team Positive and Demeaning- constructive criticism
o Team Positive and Supportive- attentive and happy students, they know you support them, you need to try harder, reasonable, show their flaws so they can improve
o Team Supportive but Realistic- looks like students are never bored, fun, cheering, it’s not ok to fail, encourage, humorous, show you your flaws but encourage you to do better
o Team Happy Angels Who Are Nice to Everyone- friendly, supportive posters, no bad stuff, always get along, help each other, teachers encourage, happy educational books
o Team Fluffy Bunny- no one can be angry when he/she is holding a fluffy bunny in his/her hands!

(Classroom that won’t help teachers teach or students learn.)
o Team Stressful- teacher gives too much work and students are stressed, kids talk too much to their friends, daydreaming, teacher too boring
o Home of the Evil Spirits- no explanation of the work, talking while teacher is texting, kids not showing up, don’t sit still, play with stuff, sleep, eat, screaming, silence from teacher, door slamming, haunted classroom
o The Classroom of Doom!- talking, screaming, phones going off, iPods playing, arguments, running, standing, spitballs, trash, sleeping, pranks, teaching chewing gum while talking on phone doing Facebook, cutting of class.
o The Chaotic Kids- kids do not follow instructions, loud, talking while teacher is talking, texting by both teacher and students, inappropriate discussions, teacher lets personal issues affect the class, picks favorites, writes on walls, standing up
o Crazy Catastrophe- trash, desks are away from teacher, books all over, pictures and posters all over, computers broken, talking, texting, yelling, singing, teacher gives too much work, eating, sleeping, paper airplanes