Unit 9 Quiz Wednesday
We reviewed the Completing the Sentence for unit 9.
Judging essays for the science fiction writing contest:
We read over three essays and chose one to move onto the next round. I also asked the students to give the essays feedback. When the students get their essays back, they should have an idea of what they could do to improve them for the final draft. Tomorrow, at least three students will score each remaining essay. From those scores, I will pick the top scoring essays and declare them the finalists. I am not sure what I will do after that. I want winning students to submit their essays to the Teen Ink magazine.
These students have made it past the first round of our sci-fi story contest amongst my five classes:
Tyler F.
Kristi C.
John B.
Amjed H.
Shailja G.
Dominic M.
Matt W.
Mark M.
Tyler G.
Cate M.
Miles W.
Brianna L.
Habibullah A.
Mike D.
Sally O.
Sharon Y.
Caitlyn M.
Vickram R.
Ania S.
Sriram C.
Cynthia Y.
Jasen R.
David R.
Travis W.
Pasha T.
Mark R.